L’Shanah Tova

It was only one week ago that we paused to honor the 16th anniversary of September 11th. Sixteen years. So much about our complex world has changed and yet the challenges we face as a Jewish community are really no different today. This year, we have been reminded (time and time again) that bigotry and anti-Semitism are still evils ever present in our society. And yet, we have also seen a year that has brought resilience, resolve and a renewed commitment to community and our connection to one another.
These are the values we promote as a JCC through our programs, our experiences and by offering safe, welcoming spaces for connection, community and comfort. This is what makes our work so rewarding and a reminder of why the J has been and will continue to be present for you and generations to come.
As we prepare for the new year with reflection and introspection, we want our entire community to know that JCC is here for you and your family. We are honored to welcome you, your children, parents, neighbors and friends, every day of the year. Our mission is to enrich lives and build community; this is what we strive for every single day. But none of it would be possible without the wonderful, unbreakable partnership we have with all of you.
I wish each of you a sweet new year filled with good health, much happiness and peace.
Alan Sataloff