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1st Annual Concert – August 9, 2023

The inspiring free concert featured the haunting sounds of violins once played by the hands of Holocaust victims and survivors are juxtaposed against today’s pop, rap, hip-hop, jazz, and country music. In partnership with Chicago Cubs and Gallagher Way.

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Music Video

The Growing Hope theme song and video debuted at the Growing Hope concert event, created by award-winning composer, Wendell Hanes, in partnership with the Chicago Cubs.

“Violins of Hope provided a new avenue for Holocaust education, particularly for students, bringing the human story of the Holocaust to the forefront. Learning about the people who played in concentration camps, about why they played, and what happened to them and their music, which in many cases saved their lives. Growing Hope is an outgrowth that demonstrates our ongoing commitment of choosing to look through the beautiful lens of humanity, ensuring that today’s young people really understand how important it is to be kind and good to others.”
– Addie Goodman
More Growing Hope