Finding Strength and Inspiration from Coaches and Community
By Keith Kohn, UIC Gymnast and International Maccabi Games Qualifier
I’ve been doing gymnastics for longer than I can remember. I must have been 5 or so when I started jumping aimlessly around the colorful gym that I would eventually come to love. At that point, I had no idea what sort of future I had in gymnastics, or even, if there was one at all. It was hard to continue training for long periods of time, and there were multiple points where I wanted to quit to escape the pressure of the sport. Each time this happened, however, something kept me from leaving. I can’t say exactly what it was, but I have always felt drawn to this sport, and this feeling persisted through my weaker moments.
Whatever it was that kept me going, I’m extremely grateful for it, because gymnastics has played a huge role in shaping me into who I am. I could have never envisioned myself qualifying for Maccabiah 2017 when I was younger; it’s still a shock to me now. I do know, however, that it would not have been possible without my entire support system behind me to keep me wanting it the whole time. My parents, friends, and coaches all helped me stay with this sport, and because of them, I’ve managed to take my progress with this sport further than I could have imagined.
This isn’t about me though, this is about you, all the youth athletes in our community who love a sport and love to compete. And if there’s one thing I can tell you that I’ve learned in my time with the sport, it’s this: Your current situation that you find yourself in is irrelevant. No matter how good or bad it may seem, your current position does not matter. All that matters is how you respond to it.
You have friends, teammates, parents, teachers, coaches, and others to support you. Find strength in them, let them make you want to achieve your goals more. Your will is an incredible thing, and if you harness it, you will see your goals realized. The way that you respond to the challenges you face is what will define who you are.
About the author: Keith Kohn is a student athlete at UIC, a drummer, and a competitive video game player. He one day hopes to own a pirate ship.