All Together Now for JCC Chicago and Camp Chi

Camp Chi was recently chosen as the largest matching grant recipient by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s All Together Now campaign to protect and preserve Jewish overnight camps. The Harold Grinspoon Foundation, creator of enriching programs such as PJ Library, Create a Jewish Legacy and JCamp 180, is a steadfast supporter of Jewish life and recognizes the well-documented, life-long impact of Jewish overnight camp. JCC Chicago’s Camp Chi launched All Together Now, Ignite the Flame for Camp Chi on Giving Tuesday this week. Through this grant our Camp Chi community has the opportunity to raise up to $265,000 through this matching grant.
This past Tuesday, our Chi community truly ignited the flame and kicked off this campaign with amazing momentum! In one day our friends and supporters raised over $20,000. Not only did the Chi community show up on Giving Tuesday, but we were also amazed by the Chi Photo Challenge that took over social media. Chi Alumni and current campers challenged each other throughout the day to ignite the flame and photos were shared from near and far. Alumni, current campers and staff from Israel, Europe and as far as Australia posted special moments with their camp friends from Shabbat, hanging out in their cabins, at the cove (a.k.a. the waterfront for many alumni), on the athletic field and at the SIT/Staff volleyball game. It was amazing to see everyone spring into action, dig up those photos, share their memories and reconnect with each other.
Chi Winkle even made an appearance and sent text messages to our community. He was also spotted last week in Deerfield and Highland Park on the J on Wheels bus. We look forward to seeing where he pops up next! Maybe a future song session? Where would you like to see him? Email us to let us know!