Festival of Booths
A seven day long festival (the first two days and last two days are holidays; work is permitted on the intermediate days) celebrating the fall harvest; a kind of Jewish Thanksgiving. Spiritually, we are reminded to not take life for granted. We do this by focusing on what is truly important – the lasting relationships we build with family and community and by tapping into our capacity for gratitude and joy.
Celebrated by building and then dwelling and eating in ceremonial huts called sukkot like those that Israelites erected in the Sinai wilderness, waving of four different plant species ( the “lulav” – palm, myrtle, willow and “etrog” – citron) and many food filled festive gatherings in the Sukkah (singular of Sukkot). We greet one another by saying Chag Sameach – happy holidays and Moadim L’simcha on the intermediate days.
2025 Dates
Begins the evening of Monday, October 6